Resolved -
We have monitored the service throughout the last 2 weeks and can confirm there have been no further instances of malformed web requests causing the unexpected behaviour.
Feb 6, 11:27 GMT
Update -
We have identified the root cause of the issue with SafetyNet Transparent Proxy. The issue occurred due to malformed web requests causing unexpected behaviour within the SafetyNet software. We have put measures in place to prevent this from occurring in the future, alongside adding further capacity to ensure there is no further risk of disruption. Close monitoring of the service will continue for the rest of the week.
Jan 24, 11:32 GMT
Update -
We have monitored the service throughout the day and have seen stable service. We are this evening implementing changes to increase the available resources for this subset of customers which will alleviate any risk of further disruption. We will continue to monitor this throughout the next 24 hours for any further signs of disruption.
Jan 21, 16:42 GMT
Monitoring -
We are currently seeing restored service for these customers. We are continuing to monitor the situation over the next 24 hours to ensure availability throughout peak traffic periods.
Jan 20, 16:39 GMT
Investigating -
We are aware of a small subset of customers currently experiencing issues with browsing the internet when using SafetyNet Transparent Proxy.
We are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as we have identified the issue.
Jan 20, 14:47 GMT